Ethiopian Coffee

Black Lion Coffee
The story of Black Lion Coffee dates back to 1891 when the founder, Mr. Bizenu Cheru, started trading in raw coffee beans from the southern parts of Ethiopia. In the 1940’s, his son, Mr. Tadele Bizenu, expanded the business by establishing several coffee plantations and washing plants which were supplying coffee beans [to major markets in the country] for local consumption and to agents for export to mainly European destinations.
The third generation successor, Mr. Buzuayehu T. Bizenu, having gained experience through working with his father in the management of the washing plants and trading of raw coffee beans, using his inherited entrepreneurial skills also started trading in coffee and other numerous commodities.

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Black Lion coffee is packed in a one-way vacuum pack to allow freshness
and keep coffee away from staleness. Our coffee is packed in different
varieties both beans and ground powder.
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